News & Notice

Lab philosophy

2020-03-18l Hit 1125

  • Be happy and passionate! –When you are happy you are most productive, best ideas flow out and others are inspired by that. Take care of your mental and physical health. If you feel you need time off, don’t hesitate to ask. Work hard on your project and be proud of your work.
  • Be honest and open! -- Science is about finding out the truth, and data that did not come out or unexpected results are still important. Never plagiarize, make up, omit or manipulate data in any way. If you make a mistake, do not be afraid of telling it to lab members and me. We all make mistakes. We admit our mistakes, amend them, take it as a lesson and move on.
  • Be supportive and respectful! -- Science is most fun when we can trust each and collaborate. Support, respect and help your lab mates regardless of one’s gender, religion, age, ethnicity. Diversity enriches creativity.  
  • Be creative! – Think outside the box! Try to interpret the data at different angles. When you have different ideas or do not agree with my ideas, please challenge me. It is essential to express your thoughts and ideas without reservation. Diverse views and ideas are essential in advancing science.