Jun 2, 2023 l 조회 351
We are very excited to unravel the cellular processes that SPC governs and the underlying regulatory mechanisms. We’d like to work with graduate students and researchers who are interested in discovering how these processes work and want to share the pleasure of finding things out together.
Mar 4, 2022 l 조회 698
We have openings for graduate students (M.S or Ph.D) and research technicians (B.S. graduate) who will work on the project investigating the roles of signal peptidase on membrane and viral protein processing and maturation. Please feel free to contact me if you are interested.
Mar 18, 2020 l 조회 1254
Science research is fun as we find out how things work, in our case how things work in the cell. But, it demands a deep thinking and a disciplined work habit. You can make a break-through scientific discovery and achieve research goals more smoothly if the lab environment is supporting and stimulating. We are the group who shares this lab philosophy.
Apr 2, 2011 l 조회 11216
While I was preparing the lecture for my Membrane Biology class, I happen to bump into the interview of Rod MacKinnon and Peter Agre for the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 2003. They got the prize for discoveries of the channels in the membrane. http://nobelprize.org/mediaplayer/index.php?id=551 They t
Mar 10, 2011 l 조회 2462
For students who want to find out what to do in the future:I still feel uncomfortable to offer my advice to students as I am not so much experienced and I am not the person of wisdom. But, as I have struggled through myself, and memories of going through “what to do for my life” remain f
Mar 10, 2011 l 조회 2288
We do very basic science research, so it doesn’t look like we help cure diseases right away. But there is a Korean saying that “When you know yourself and your enemy you will go to a war 100 times and you will win 100 times”. In order to win a battle, you not only have to know your
Mar 7, 2011 l 조회 2667
To undergraduate students who consider going to graduate school, Either you are toying with an idea that “I want to know whether I am fit for research” or have already decided to go to graduate school, I want you to make a good decision. You all want a lab that makes you happy to go ever
Mar 7, 2011 l 조회 2053
When you decide to do Ph.D thesis work and spend next 5 years of your precious life working in the lab, I assume you have some reasons for it. But it doesn’t seem that many students know what the Ph.D training is really about. This is the time you deepen your knowledge on the subject that make