News & Notice

Words of Advice

2011-03-10l Hit 2346

For students who want to find out what to do in the future:

I still feel uncomfortable to offer my advice to students as I am not so much experienced and I am not the person of wisdom. But, as I have struggled through myself, and memories of going through “what to do for my life” remain fresh, I could share my experiences with young students who are currently going through the similar questions.  

Each person has different talent and interest. For students who are not sure what to do in the future, I advise you to ask the following questions?  

What am I good at? What makes me excited? Does this work help other people, society, world, humanity or any of these?  

Instead of asking what kinds of careers leading to a good salary and comfortable life, I think one should first ask the above questions to oneself. What you are good at is the talent that is given to you.  I think you should use your talent for good and higher cause. The society and the world depend on your talent.

Often our problem is that we don’t know what exactly we want. As long as you know what you want, the whole universe will help you to get what you want. So, instead of comparing jobs based on salary, think seriously what I truly want for my life that makes me happy and fulfilled.