News & Notice

학부학생들에게 (To undergraduate students)

2011-03-07l Hit 2522

To undergraduate students who consider going to graduate school,

Either you are toying with an idea that “I want to know whether I am fit for research” or have already decided to go to graduate school, I want you to make a good decision.

You all want a lab that makes you happy to go every morning, a research project that excites you, a supervisor who is inspiring, and labmates who are helpful and fun to work with. Do you know how to find this ideal job?

As you have to kiss many frogs to find a prince, you have to see and work in different labs to find a right one.

Thus, I encourage you to seek an opportunity to work in different labs, and of course I want you to consider our lab as one option. Our research is focused on membrane proteins, mainly biogenesis problems at the moment. But we are interested in various aspects of membrane proteins, from folding to structure, and I hope to learn more about these areas in the future.

As you may be looking for a perfect lab I am also looking for a perfect student who is motivated to learn, excited about work and fun to work with. If you are motivated and interested in learning more about membrane proteins, please come and talk to me. My door is always open.