


김진홍 Kim, Jin-Hong

분자생물학 세포생물학

우리 연구실은 노화에 의한 근골격계 퇴행성 질환 (퇴행성관절염, 회전근개질환 / 육종암) 해결을 위한 진단 및 치료전략을 개발하고 있습니다.

- 진단 플랫폼으로서는, 바이오마커 개발과 AI를 이용한 질환의 조기진단, 예후 예측 모델 설립 그리고 이를 통한 맞춤형 치료 연계를 목표로 하며
- 치료 플랫폼으로서는, 1) RNA (oligonucleotide) 치료제, 2) 면역 및 항체 치료제, 3) 유전자 회로 (genetic circuit) 치료제, 4) 유전자강화 줄기세포치료제를 연구합니다. 

  • - 2005-2010 박사, Bioengineering, Caltech
  • - 2001-2005 학사, Biomedical Engineering, University of Minnesota
  • - 2024 - 현재 서울대학교 생명과학부 교수
  • - 2019 - 2024 서울대학교 생명과학부 부교수
  • - 2018 - 현재 IBS, RNA 연구단, RNA therapeutics 연구팀장
  • - 2021 - 2022 Dana-Farber Cancer Institute / Harvard Medical School 방문연구원
  • - 2014 - 2019 서울대학교 생명과학부 조교수
  • - 2010 - 2014 광주과학기술원 생명과학부 연구교수
  • - 2010 - 2010.10 Caltech, Division of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Post-doc
  1. Kang D*, Lee J*, Yook G, Jeong S, Shin J, Kim MS, Kim YJ, Jung H, Ahn J, Kim TW, Chang MJ, Chang CB, Kang SB, Yang WH, Lee Y, Cho JW, Yi EC, Kang C, and Kim JH# (2025). Regulation of senescence-associated secretory phenotypes in osteoarthritis by cytosolic UDP-GlcNAc retention and O-GlcNAcylation. Nature Communications
  2. Cho Y*, Kim H*, Yook G*, Yong S, Kim S, Lee N, Kim YJ, Kim J, Kim TW, Chang MJ, Lee KM, Chang CB, Kang SB, Kim JH# (2024) IRF1 deficiency predisposes cartilage to accumulate DNA damage and promotes osteoarthritis development. Arthritis & Rheumatology
  3. Suh J*, Kim H*, Min J, Yeon HJ, Hemberg M, Scimeca L, Wu MR, Kang HG, Kim YJ#, and Kim JH# (2024) Decoupling NAD+ metabolic dependency in chondrosarcoma by targeting the SIRT1-HIF-2α axis. Cell Reports Medicine [Cover] [Backstory]
  4. Roh K*, Noh J*, Kim Y, Jang Y, Kim J, Choi H, Lee Y, Ji M, Kang D, Kim MS, Paik MJ, Chung J, Kim JH#, and C Kang# (2023) Lysosomal control of senescence and inflammation through cholesterol partitioning. Nature Metabolism
  5. Kang D*, Lee J*, Jung J, Carlson BA, Chang MJ, Chang CB, Kang SB, Lee BC, Gladyshev VN, Hatfield DL, Lee BJ#, and Kim JH# (2022) Selenophosphate synthetase 1 deficiency exacerbates osteoarthritis by dysregulating redox homeostasis. Nature Communications
  6. Cho Y*, Kim HS*, Kang D, Kim H, Lee N, Yun J, Kim YJ , Lee KM , Kim J, Kim HR, Hwang YI, Jo CH, and Kim JH# (2021) CTRP3 exacerbates tendinopathy by dysregulating tendon stem cell differentiation and altering extracellular matrix composition. Science Advances
  7. Kim H*, Cho Y*, Kim HS, Cheon D, Kim YJ, Chang MJ, Lee KM, Chang CB, Kang SB, Kang HG and Kim JH# (2020). A system-level approach identifies HIF-2α as a critical regulator of chondrosarcoma progression. Nature Communications
  8. Kim S*, Han S*, Kim Y, Kim HS, Gu YR, Kang D, Cho Y, Kim H, Lee J, Seo Y, Chang MJ, Chang CB, Kang SB, and Kim JH# (2019). Tankyrase inhibition preserves osteoarthritic cartilage by coordinating cartilage matrix anabolism via effects on SOX9 PARylation. Nature Communications
  9. Kang D*, Shin J*, Cho Y, Kim HS, Gu YR, Kim H, You KT, Chang MJ, Chang CB, Kang SB, Kim JS, Kim VN, and Kim JH# (2019). Stress-activated miR-204 governs senescent phenotypes of chondrocytes to promote osteoarthritis development. Science Translational Medicine
  10. Won Y, Shin Y, CH Chun, Cho Y, Ha C, Kim JH#, and Chun JS# (2016). Pleiotropic roles of metallothioneins as regulators of chondrocyte apoptosis and catabolic and anabolic pathways during osteoarthritis pathogenesis. Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases
  11. Lee M, Won Y, Shin Y, Kim JH#, and Chun JS# (2015). Reciprocal activation of hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF)-2 and the zinc-ZIP8-MTF1 axis amplifies catabolic signaling in osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis Cartilage
  12. Kim JH, Jeon J, Shin M, Won Y, Lee M, Kwak JS, Lee G, Rhee J, Ryu JH, Chun CH, Chun JS (2014). Regulation of the catabolic cascade in osteoarthritis by the zinc•ZIP8•MTF1 axis. Cell