
석사 / 2004


Minsoo Kim
Education / Career
2002–2004 M.S.
석사학위논문: Domain swapping analysis of two MADS-box proteins, SOC1 and FLC that play opposite roles in flowering (지도교수: 이일하)
  1. Kyuha Choi†, Sanghee Kim†, Sang Yeol Kim, Minsoo Kim, Youbong Hyun, Horim Lee, Sunghwa Choe, Sang-Gu Kim, Scott Michaels, and Ilha Lee (2005) SUPPRESSOR OF FRIGIDA3 encodes a nuclear ACTIN-RELATED PROTEIN6 required for floral repression in Arabidopsis. The Plant Cell 17(10): 2647-2660.
  2. Jihyun Moon, Horim Lee, Minsoo Kim, and Ilha Lee (2005) Analysis of flowering pathway integrators in Arabidopsis. Plant & Cell Physiology 46(2): 292-299.
  3. Kyung Won Kim†, Jun-Hye Shin†, Jihyun Moon, Minsoo Kim, Jungeun Lee, Min-Chul Park, and Ilha Lee (2003) The function of the flowering time gene AGL20 is conserved in Crucifers. Molecules and Cells 16(1): 136-141.