Research Part #2

Several projectsare ongoing, funded by the Korean government National Research Foundation, andby SNU itself.

l A survey of patterns in soil archaeal diversity across Asia, including samples collected in Korea, Japan, Mongolia, China and Malaysia.

l Study of the prokaryote mutualists, commensals, parasites and prey of marine dinoflagellates from around the coast of Korea, using single cell sorting techniques combined with genomics

l A study of uniqueness of leaf litter bacterial and fungal communities to the source tree species, in plantations of different composition in subtropical southern China.

l A study of archaeal and bacterial community development on volcanic ash, in Japan.

l A soil translocation experiment to study the influence of short-term climate rather than substrate character on soil bacterial and archaeal communities. We are translocating soils from upper and lower altitudes of Mount Norikura, Japan.

l Influence of natural ocean acidification from CO2 vents on the microbial community composition of sea surface sediments.

l Archaeal communities of temperate tree root surfaces, in Korea.