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[대학원공지] Science &SciLifeLab Prize for Young Scientists

관리자l 2018-05-21l 조회수 7772

참가대상: 2016 또는 2017년 박사학위를 취득한 자
Thesis Research 분야 : Cell and Molecular Biology, Ecology and Environment, Genomics and Proteomics, Ecology and Environment, and Translational Medicine 

The research described in the entrant’s thesis must fall within one of the following categories (Subject Tracks):

  • Cell and Molecular Biology: research in this category will include cellular and molecular processes at levels ranging from single molecule to single cell to tissue and organ systems,
  • Genomics and Proteomics: research in this category focuses on analyses of gene- and protein-related events, at the scale of gene or protein networks to the complete set of genes or proteins in an organism,
  • Ecology and Environment: research in this category encompasses interactions between organisms and their environment, and how these processes are influenced by human activity,
  • Translational Medicine: research in this category builds on in vitro or animal model studies of biological processes to develop potential therapies or medical procedures.

마감기한:  2018.7.15.




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