Former Members

연구교수 / 2000


Gwang Hee Lee
  1. Kim, Moon Kyo, Gwanghee Lee, Suk-Keun Lee, Martijn Lolkema, Jeongbin Yim, Seung Hwan Hong and Ronald H. Schwartz. (2000). Epithelial cell-specific laminin 5 is required for survival of early thymocytes.. J. Immunol.. 165(), 1,254., (), .
  2. Lee, Gwanghee, Moon Gyo Kim, Jeong Bin Yim and Seung Hwan Hong. (2001). Alternative transcriptional initiation and splicing of mouse Lamc2 message.. Mol. Cells. 12(), 380., (), .
  3. Han, Sang Yeul, Dong Yoon Park, Gwang Hee Lee, Sang Dai Park and Seung Hwan Hong. (2002). Involvement of type I protein kinase A in the differentiation of L6 myoblast in conjunction with phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase.. Mol. Cell.. 14(), 68., (), .