Former Members /Collaborators

박사후 연구원
정교원 박사 (Adjunct)

정교원 박사 (Adjunct)

Kyowon Jeong
  • Computational proteomics
  • 504동 506호 / 02-880-4434
Education / Career
2004 B.E. Seoul National University
2013 Ph.D. UC of San Diago
2013-2018.01 Postdoc in Prof. Narry Kim Lab & Mass Spec & Systems Biology Lab
  1. Yeon Choi†, Kyowon Jeong†, Sanghee Shin†, Joon Won Lee†, Young-suk Lee, Sangtae Kim, Sun Ah Kim, Jaehun Jung, Kwang Pyo Kim, V. Narry Kim* and Jong-Seo Kim* (2020). MS1-level proteome quantification platform allowing maximally increased multiplexity for SILAC and in vitro chemical labeling. Analytical Chemistry, 92(7), 4980-4989.
  2. Jaehun Jung, Kyowon Jeong, Yeon Choi, Sun Ah Kim, Hyunjoon Kim, Joon Won Lee, V. Narry Kim, Kwang Pyo Kim and Jong-Seo Kim* (2019). Deuterium-Free, Three-Plexed Peptide Diethylation for Highly Accurate Quantitative Proteomics. Journal of Proteome Research, 18(3), 1078-1087.