Apr 24, 2013 l 조회 687
Apr 22, 2013 l 조회 1035
"Arabidopsis Brassinosteroid-overproducing gulliver3-D/dwarf4-D mutants exhibit altered responses to Jasmonic acid and pathogen." 우리 실험실에서 2013년 1월 Plant Cell Reports에 BR 관련 논문을 발표하였다. 애기장대 활성표지 돌연변이 집단에서 브라시노스테로
Apr 22, 2013 l 조회 856
우제욱 연구원이 오늘 날짜로 우리 연구팀에 합류했습니다. 모두들 따뜻하게 맞아 주시길 바랍니다. 우 연구원은 융기원에 주로 머물면서 대사공학 관련 연구를 수행할 예정입니다.
Apr 19, 2013 l 조회 803
Rice CYP734As function as multisubstrate and multifunctional enzymes in brassinosteroid catabolism The concentration of bioactive phytohormones is controlled by the regulation of both, their biosynthesis and catabolism. In Arabidopsis, two P450s CYP734A1/BAS1 and CYP72C1/SOB7 act in the inactivation
Apr 17, 2013 l 조회 886
2012년 11월에 Plant Molecular Biology지에 [Whole transcriptome analysis using next-generation sequencing of model species Setaria viridis to support C4 photosynthesis research]이라는 논문이 게재되었다. C4 광합성을 하는 모델 식물로 그동안 다양한 것들을 사용해
Apr 17, 2013 l 조회 826
Congratulations to Yuhee... The review paper entitled "The regulation of brassinosteroid biosynthesis in Arabidopsis" hase been accepted for publication by Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences.
Apr 12, 2013 l 조회 742
The development of a healthy plant requires a balanced energy distribution for the growth, development and the defense. Different types of the hormones regulate the plant growth and the defense system. Among them, brassinosteroid is basically the growth promoting hormone, however, in recent years, i
Apr 9, 2013 l 조회 740
Molecular mechanism for the interaction between gibberellin and brassinosteroid signaling pathways in Arabidopsis Plant growth and development depends on different signaling pathways. However, there is a degree of interaction between pathways that is being currently studied, especially to uncover mo
Apr 9, 2013 l 조회 719
지난주에는 1편의 BR 관련 논문이 업데이트되었습니다. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry에 게재된 [Synthesis and biological evaluation of novel azole derivatives asselective potent inhibitors of brassinosteroid biosynthesis]라는 논문으로 식물 조직이나 세포 내
Apr 9, 2013 l 조회 1207
2011년 11월에 Molecular Plant지에 [Arabidopsis MSBP1 is activated by HY5 and HYH and is involved in photomorphogenesis and brassinosteroid sensitivity regulation]이라는 논문이 게재되었다. 애기장대의 하배축은 빛을 받게 되면 길이 생장을 멈추게 되는데 이는 Lo