Former Members


Kim, Myungjin

  • 한국뇌연구원 / +82-53-980-8370
  1. Kim M, Kwon YE, Song JO, Bae SJ, Seol JH (2016). CHFR negatively regulates SIRT1 activity upon oxidative stress.. Scientific Reports, 6(), 37578.
  2. Joo JH, Oh H, Kim M, An EJ, Kim RK, Lee SY, Kang DH, Kang SW, Park CK, Kim H, Lee SJ, Lee D*, Seol JH*, Bae YS*. (2016). NADPH oxidase 1 activity and ROS generation are regulated by Grb2/Cbl-mediated proteasomal degradation of NoxO1 in colon cancer cells.. Cancer Research, (), .
  3. Koo YD, Choi JW, Kim M, Chae S, Ahn BY, Kim M, Oh BC, Hwang D, Seol JH, Kim YB, Park YJ, Chung SS, Park KS. (2015). SUMO-specific protease 2 (SENP2) is an important regulator of fatty acid metabolism in skeletal muscle.. Diabetes, 64(7), 2420.
  4. Bae SJ^, Kim M^, Kim SH, Kwon YE, Lee JH, Kim J, Chung CH, Lee WJ*, Seol JH*. (2015). NEDD4 controls intestinal stem cell homeostasis by regulating the Hippo signalling pathway. NATURE COMMUNICATIONS, 6(), 6314.
  5. Bae SJ, Kwon YE, Kim M*, Seol JH* (2013). CHFR is negatively regulated by SUMOylation-mediated ubiquitylation. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 433(2), 194.
  6. Kwon YE, Bae SJ, Kim M*, Seol JH* (2013). SUMOylation negatively regulates the stability of CHFR tumor suppressor. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 430(1), 213.
  7. Kim, J. M., Cho, E. N., Kwon, Y. E., Bae, S. J., Kim, M.*, Seol, J. H.* (2010). CHFR functions as a ubiquitin ligase for HLTF to regulate its stability and functions. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 395(4), 515-520.