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식물시스템진화 연구실
Laboratory of Plant Systems Evolution
Viola projects
Arabidopsis projects
Laboratory of Plant Systems Evolution
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BMC Genomics
Lee J, Shin S-Y, Lee S-K, Park K, Gill H,
Hyun Y
, Jeong C, Jeon J-S, Shin C, Choi Y, "Contribution of RdDM to the ecotype‑specific differential methylation on conserved as well as highly variable regions between Arabidopsis ecotypes,"
BMC Genomics
24(e), 36, January 2023.
Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society
Cho MR, Lee KH,
Hyun Y
, Lee I, Kim HJ, "Proteome analysis of vernalization treated Arabidopsis thaliana by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry,"
Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society
28(3), 427-431, 2007.
Dev Cell
Hyun Y*
, Richter R*, Vincent C, Martinez-Gallegos R, Porri A, Coupland G, "Multi-layered regulation of SPL15 and cooperation with SOC1 integrate endogenous flowering pathways at the Arabidopsis shoot meristem,"
Dev Cell
37(3), 254-266, April 2016.
*Co-first authors
Hyun Y
, Choi S, Hwang HJ, Yu J, Nam SJ, Ko J, Park JY, Seo YS, Kim EY, Ryu SB, Kim WT, Lee YH, Kang H, Lee I, "Cooperation and functional diversification of two closely related galactolipase genes for jasmonate biosynthesis,"
Dev Cell
14(2), 183-192, February 2008.
Hyun Y
, Yun H, Park K, Ohr H, Lee O, Kim DH, Sung S, Choi Y, "The catalytic subunit of Arabidopsis DNA polymerase alpha ensures stable maintenance of histone modification,"
140(1), 156-166, January 2013.
Jeon M, Jeong G, Yang Y, Luo X, Jeong D, Kyung J,
Hyun Y
, He Y, Lee I, "Vernalization-triggered expression of the antisense transcript COOLAIR is mediated by CBF genes,"
12(e), 84594, March 2023.
Ko JH, Mitina I, Tamada Y,
Hyun Y
, Choi Y, Amasino RM, Noh B, Noh YS, "Growth habit determination by the balance of histone methylation activities in Arabidopsis,"
29(18), 3208-3215, September 2010.
Journal of Plant Biology
Kim D, Park J-Y, Won J, Muhammad A, Bang JY, Lee S,
Hyun Y
, "Construction of Satellite Genetic System for Robust and Versatile Inter‑species Gene Function Analyses in Viola,"
Journal of Plant Biology
(), , March 2023.
Mol Cells
Kim M, Ohr H, Lee JW,
Hyun Y
, Fischer R, Choi Y, "Temporal and spatial downregulation of Arabidopsis MET1 activity results in global DNA hypomethylation and developmental defects,"
Mol Cells
26(6), 611-615, December 2008.
Nat Genet
Kim HJ*,
Hyun Y*
, Park JY*, Park MJ, Park MK, Kim MD, Kim HJ, Lee MH, Moon J, Lee I, Kim J, "A genetic link between cold responses and flowering time through FVE in Arabidopsis thaliana,"
Nat Genet
36(2), 167-171, January 2004.
*Co-first authors
Plant Cell
Choi K, Kim S, Kim SY, Kim M,
Hyun Y
, Lee H, Choe S, Kim SG, Michaels S, Lee I, "SUPPRESSOR OF FRIGIDA3 encodes a nuclear ACTIN-RELATED PROTEIN6 required for floral repression in Arabidopsis,"
Plant Cell
17(10), 2647-2660, October 2005.
Plant J
Choi J*,
Hyun Y*
, Kang MJ*, Yun HI, Yun JY, Lister C, Dean C, Amasino RM, Noh B, Noh YS, Choi Y, "Resetting and regulation of Flowering Locus C expression during Arabidopsis reproductive development,"
Plant J
57(5), 918-931, March 2009.
*Co-first authors
Jin JB, Jin YH, Lee J, Miura K, Yoo CY, Kim WY, Van Oosten M,
Hyun Y
, Somers DE, Lee I, Yun DJ, Bressan RA, Hasegawa PM, "The SUMO E3 ligase, AtSIZ1, regulates flowering by controlling a salicylic acid-mediated floral promotion pathway and through affects on FLC chromatin structure,"
Plant J
53(3), 530-540, February 2008.
Plant Mol Biol
Hyun Y
, Lee I, "KIDARI, encoding a non-DNA binding bHLH protein, represses light signal transduction in Arabidopsis thaliana,"
Plant Mol Biol
61(1-2), 283-296, May 2006.
Plant Physiol
Hyun Y
, Richter R, Coupland G, "Competence to flower: age-controlled sensitivity to environmental cues,"
Plant Physiol
173(1), 36-46, January 2017.
Plant Signal Behav
Hyun Y
, Lee I, "Generating and maintaining jasmonic acid in Arabidopsis,"
Plant Signal Behav
3(10), 798-800, October 2008.
Hyun Y
, Kim J, Cho SW, Choi Y, Kim JS, Coupland G, "Site-directed mutagenesis in Arabidopsis thaliana using dividing tissue-targeted RGEN of the CRISPR/Cas system to generate heritable null alleles,"
241(1), 271-284, January 2015.
Yun H,
Hyun Y
, Kang MJ, Noh YS, Noh B, Choi Y, "Identification of regulators required for the reactivation of FLOWERING LOCUS C during Arabidopsis reproduction,"
234(6), 1237-1250, December 2011.
PLoS Genet
Richter R, Kinoshita-Shiomi A, Vincent C, Martinez-Gallegos R, Gao H, van Driel A,
Hyun Y
, Mateos J, Coupland G, "Floral regulators FLC and SOC1 directly regulate expression of the B3-type transcription factor TARGET OF FLC AND SVP 1 at the Arabidopsis shoot apex via antagonistic chromatin modifications,"
PLoS Genet
15(4), e1008065, April 2019.
Park K, Kim MY, Vickers M, Park JS,
Hyun Y
, Okamoto T, Zilberman D, Fischer RL, Feng X, Choi Y, Scholten S, "DNA demethylation is initiated in the central cells of Arabidopsis and rice,"
113(52), 15138-15143, December 2016.
Hyun Y
, Vincent C, Tilmes V, Bergonzi S, Kiefer C, Richter R, Martinez-Gallegos R, Severing E, Coupland G, "A regulatory circuit conferring varied flowering response to cold in annual and perennial plants,"
363(6425), 409-412, January 2019.
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