Former Members



Bang Jeong Hwan
  • 502동 309호 / 02-880-4418
  1. Bang JH, Joo S, Lee EJ, Kim MS, Jeong S, Park S (2019). Diet of the mud-flat crab Helice tientsinensis in a Korean salt marsh. Wetlands, (), .
  2. Bang JW, Lee EJ (2019). Differences in crab burrowing and halophyte growth by habitat types in a Korean salt marsh. Ecological Indicators, 98(), 599-607.
  3. Jeong Hwan Bang Mi-Jung Bae Eun Ju Lee (2018). Plant distribution along an elevational gradient in a macrotidal salt marsh on the west coast of Korea. Aquatic Botany, (), .
  4. Song, U. R., Kim, E. J., Bang, J. H., Son, D. J., Waldman, B., Lee, E. J. (2013). Wetlands are an effective green roof system. Building and Environment, 66(), 141-147.