Former Members



Son Deokjoo
  • 502동 309호 / 02-880-4418
  1. Son D, Alday JG, Chu Y, Lee EJ, Park S, Lee H (2020). Plant species colonization in newly created road habitats of South Korea: Insights for more effective restoration. Science of The Total Environment, 719(1), 137476.
  2. Son D, Lee H, Cho KH, Bang JH, Kwon OB, Lee EJ (2018). Successional changes in plant composition over 15 years in a created wetland in South Korea. Journal of Ecology and Environment, 42(22), 43838.
  3. Song U, Son D, Kang C, Lee EJ, Lee K, Park JS (2018). Mowing: A cause of invasion, but also a potential solution for management of the invasive, alien plant species Erigeron annuus (L.) Pers. Journal of Environmental Management, 223(), 530-536.
  4. Jeong Soo Park1, Deokjoo Son2, Yoo Kyung Lee3, Jong Hak Yun4 and Eun Ju Lee5,* (2018). Multivariate Relationships between Snowmelt and Plant Distributions in the High Arctic Tundra. J. Plant Biol., (), .
  5. Deokjoo Son, Kang-Hyun Cho and Eun Ju Lee (2017). The potential habitats of two submerged macrophytes, Myriophyllum spicatum and Hydrilla verticillata in the river ecosystems, South Korea. Knowledge and Management of Aquatic Ecosystems, (), .
  6. Deokjoo Son, Hyohyemi Lee, Eun Ju Lee, Kang-Hyun Cho, Dongmin Kwon (2015). Flora and Vegetation Structure in a 15-Year-Old Artificial Wetland. Ecology and Resilient Infrastructure, 2(1), 54-63.
  7. Song, U. R., Kim, E. J., Bang, J. H., Son, D. J., Waldman, B., Lee, E. J. (2013). Wetlands are an effective green roof system. Building and Environment, 66(), 141-147.