Lab Board

BL dose treatment.

Puna Maya Maharjanl 2011-01-21l Hit 606


1.Tissue collection from the first set of 9-day-old seedlings for microarray.

2. BL treatment to the gul4 and Ws-2 in liquid media for 2 hours ( Conc. 0, 10-9, 10-8, 10-7, 10-6).

3. GUS staining of DWF4pro:GUS in gul4 from F2 population of gul4X p6-1 selected in kan media.

 Today i did destaining and observe the staining pattern,  the entire root of gul4 is strongly stained.Please find the attached ppt for photo. I could not take microscopic photo as out card reader is out of order.


1.Tissue collection from the secend set of 9-day-old seedlings for microarray.

2.BRZ treatment to the gul4 and Ws-2 in liquid media for 2 hours ( Conc. 0, 10-9, 10-8, 10-7, 10-6).

3. Photography of  6-week-old gul4, atr4-1 and atr4-2.

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