JMJ703 lamina aasay and mutant screening result

Choe, Sunghwal 2011-02-08l 조회수 634

Thanks a lot for the detailed update. Here let me make some comments on them below.


------ Original Message ------
Subject :JMJ703 lamina aasay and mutant screening result
Posted by :클라우디아
Date :2011-02-08


- Yesterday I found some interesting rice mutant lines from the mutant screening with pcz, I will send you a file with some pictures that I took for you to analize too. This time I separate those lines and put them on soil to grow them, and just did the Nitrogen treatment to the rest of the seedlings. 
That is good idea to save a putative Pcz mutant and do the nitrogen experiments with the rest of the population. I am very much curious about the phenotype. Please post as soon as you get the data available.

- Also checked the seedling for the lamina assay (they have been growing for 7 days until now), but still are too small and I prefer to wait 1 or 2 days more (in prof. Park's laboratory they grow for 8~10 days too). But for JMJ703 mutant and wildtype lines I will proceed today because when they grow in dark are bigger and their size is just ok now.
OK, hope to finish the prof Park's experiment soon so that you can focus on your own experiments.

- Yesterday I tried to find the EST for our genes in brachypodium database, but I couldnt find nothing. The thing is that I am not use to the servers and information of brachypodium and I am not sure if I did well or not, so I will take a little more time on that today and if I still have problems I will ask in Prof. Park Chung-Mu lab for some help.
In case of Arabidopsis, we have a communiy service. So I expected that kind of one available in Brachypodium community. Please check it again.
