phenotype of of of double mutant of gul4

Puna Maya Maharjanl 2011-01-31l 조회수 602


T1 of CYP83B1 promoter gDNA :GUS and CYP83B1 promoter gDNA :HA are growing. I will take photo of them and send to you.

 Regarding gul4 version cloning, today i will do 3 ml culture of agro of 35S:gul4CDS:YFP:HA and thinking to do transformation in thins week in  Ws-2 and gul4  as well as in SALK mutant of CYP83B1 may be on later because they are too small and i have just  3 plants in each of 3 line of salk mutant and they may flower very late as in atr4-1 and atr4-2. 


------ Original Message ------
Subject :phenotype of of of double mutant of gul4
Posted by :Puna Maya Maharjan
Date :2011-01-31

Last day I  repeated RT PCR of CYP83B1 in T2 of 35S:CYP83B1:YFP:HA in gul4 backgrounds.

I harvested the seeds of F1 of gul4 Xatr4-1.

I observed the F1 phenotype of gul4 crossed with yucca 1-D, bes1-D,dwf7-1 and msg2-2D and transplanted into the soil.


I will prepare the tissue powder of T2 of 35S:CYP83B1:YFP:HA in Ws-2 abckground and run SDS PAGE of them as well as T2 of 35S:CYP83B1:YFP:HA in gul4 backgrounds.