Lab Board

Tissue collection for microarray

Puna Maya Maharjanl 2011-01-24l 조회수 590

 Last day

1. I collected the tissue of from 3 sets of 9-day old Ws-2 and gul4 grown in light condition.

2. I also collected the tissue of BL dose respose tratment (0, 10-9,10-8, 10-7, 10-6 M) for 2 hours.

3.I also collected the tissue of BRZ dose respose tratment (0, 10-9,10-8, 10-7, 10-6 M) for 3hours.

4. Photoof 6-week-old gul4,atr4-1 and atr4-2 were taken.

5.  T2 of Overexpression lines of CYP83B1 in gul4 and Ws-2 were transplanted to soil.

6. Araound 175 srd seedlings from F2 mapping population were sampled for sequencing purpose as you asked me last time.


1. MIni prep and restriction Expression clone of gul4 CDS:YFP:HA.

2.I wil collect the tissue of BRZ dose response treatment (0, 10-9,10-8, 10-7, 10-6 M)f treated for 24 hours since I found in some literature that the short term treatment of BRZ has no effect in mRNA level of biosynthetic genes.

3. Phenotype observation of T1 of CYP83B1 :pEarlyGate 301-HA and CYP83B1 :PMDC163-GUS and photograph if possible pcr to confirm transformation is ok.

4.Preparation for experiment to check the corelation between phenotype and expression level of protein in T2 of Cyp83B1 OX lines.