[초청강연] [2021학년도 1학기 금요세미나] Discovery of cancer therapeutic targets through functional genomic screening

2021-04-26l Hit 2712

Date: 2021-04-30 11:00 ~ 13:00
Speaker: 박경찬 (한국생명공학연구원)
Professor: 설재홍
Location: https://snu-ac-kr.zoom.us/j/86731579337
Discovery of cancer therapeutic targets through functional genomic screening

Kyung Chan Park, Ph.D.
Personalized Genomic Medicine Research Center, KRIBB
Department of Functional Genomics, University of Science and Technology (UST)

In recent years, the development of targeted therapeutics has become commonplace, but their therapeutic efficacies are disappointing due to low responsiveness or acquisition of resistance. This increases the demand for more effective new targets. The development of therapeutics targeting validated functional new targets will allow efficient treatment of highly heterogeneous cancers. Through genome analysis technologies and high- or medium-throughput gene regulation screening, we have identified a bunch of therapeutic target genes. I would like to present some of the therapeutic targets, which our team has worked on or currently working on, including cancer metabolism-associated genes, drug resistance-associated genes and others. Additionally, I would like to introduce you our center, including our internal project.

# 2021학년도 1학기 금요세미나 전체일정은 하단 URL을 참고하세요.