[초청강연] [2021학년도 1학기 금요세미나] New Paradigms in Cancer Metabolism and Metastasis

2021-03-19l Hit 2580

Date: 2021-03-19 11:00 ~ 13:00
Speaker: 박현우 (연세대학교)
Professor: 김진홍
Location: https://snu-ac-kr.zoom.us/j/89888303803

New Paradigms in Cancer Metabolism and Metastasis
Hyun Woo Park
Department of Biochemistry, Yonsei University, Seoul 03722, Korea

 Our lab focuses on novel therapeutic strategies to target cancer metabolism and metastasis. We developed ‘Cancer metabolism-based synthetic lethality platform (CM-SLP)’, a metabolite sensitive drug screening platform that identifies and repurposes FDA-approved drugs for anticancer treatment. CM-SLP aims to establish a new paradigm termed ‘Oncometabolic precision medicine’ and initiate metabolite-based personalized medicine. We also discovered a novel biological phenomenon termed ‘Epithelial-Hematopoietic Conversion (EHT)’ that reprograms adherent cells into suspension cells via defined factors. We aim to establish this novel paradigm to reveal undescribed mechanisms and key players underlying cancer dissemination and metastasis, and further develop new anti-metastatic drugs.

# 2021학년도 1학기 금요세미나 전체일정은 하단 URL을 참고하세요.