★Plan for thesis examination, 2nd semester of 2016

2016-09-21l Hit 4144


application for thesis examination , fall semester of 2016


1.online application


period –10.Oct.2016 (mon) 09:00 ~ 17.Oct.2016(mon) 17:00


log-in portal (my snu) -> academic affair (student service) -> graduation ->application thesis examination.



2. How to pay the application fee


period – 19.Oct.2016(wed) ~ 31.Oct.2016(mon) within bank hour


Go the designated Bank in person to pay or account transfer is acceptable.


3. Period of Refund application


-Only before the appointed to paper examiner, you could receive a refund.


4. thesis examination


period- Oct.2016 ~ 25.Dec.2016(tue)


* we will be announce ‘Master’s public announcement date’ later.


5. submit the thesis examination result

until 29.dec.2016(tue)


( include paper withdrawal, extend of assessment period, extend of submit period )


6. thesis examination application documents



1.논문심사원 application for master’s thesis examination

2.연구윤리준수확인서 research integrity compliance statement

3.논문심사위원 추천서 recommendation for thesis examiner




1.논문심사요구서 recommendation for thesis examiner

2.지도교수추천서 recommendation from thesis advisor

3.이력서 curriculum vitae

4.연구윤리준수확인서 research integrity compliance statement

5.논문심사위원 추천서 recommendation for thesis examiner

6.박사 논문지도위원회 심사보고서 results of doctoral thesis pre-examination

7.SCI 논문발표 확인서 (최종 제출일 :1월 초까지 가능)

confirmation form of sci publication


( * period of submitting the results of thesis examination

-> due date: in the first week of January )



7. thesis examination result documents



1.석사학위논문심사요지 evaluation of master’s thesis




1.박사학위논문예비심사결과보고 results of doctoral thesis pre-examination

2.구술고사 성적표 5부 oral examination grade 5

3.투표용지 5부 ballot paper 5

4.박사학위 논문심사요지 evaluation of doctoral thesis\

5.박사학위 논문심사기간 연장 신청서 result of evaluation of doctoral thesis examination



* others


-result form (cancellation) : cancellation of (master’s/doctoral) thesis examination


-result form (postponement) : application for extension of doctoral thesis examination period



* please find the attached files.

 Files (1)