method for the copiers and printers operated by the SNU Cooperative

2015-12-28l Hit 2282

 * Instructions for Printer Use

  1. A window will pop-up on the bottom right of each computer screen when you

   request a print job

  2. Touch your student ID card (or whatever card you are using) onto the small

      blue terminal located next to each computer.

      3. After you have requested a print job the pop-up window will disappear and

         you may go to the printer/copier

           4. Put your student ID card (or similar card) onto the payment terminal located

            on the side of the printer

           5. Select the 'use print service' icon

                             6.  Select your print job from the list that appears (organized by card number)

                             7.  Select payment and print (keep your card touching the payment terminal

                             when going through the payment process)

                             8. Retrieve what you have printed


* Instructions for Copier Use 


 1. Select the 'use copy service' icon on the payment terminal located on the copier
 2. Place what you will copy on the copier and the machine will scan it

      3. Put your student card (or similar card) onto the payment terminal

      4. Select the payment and copy icon (be sure to keep your card touching the payment

         terminal when going through the payment process)

      5. Retrieve what you have copied