Thesis Qualification Exam. for Fall Semester 2014 (Included language examination for foreign students)

2014-08-26l Hit 2325

The schedule for the Thesis Submission Qualification Examination what is called Non-Ja-Si.



= Date of submission for application : 2014. 8.29.(Fri.)~2014. 9. 5.(Fri.) (6 days)

= Application : on-line application (both major examination and language examination)

You should apply for the examination on line. If you do not apply for the examination, you could not take an exam.





Korean Examination

= Date of exam : 09:30 ~ 10:30 Sep.19(Fri.), 2014

= Place : Rm. 205, Bldg.501


major Examination (Student ID# former 2010 ~ (Master, Doctoral))

= Date of exam : Sep.26(Fri.), 2014, The time and place of the exam will be announced later.


Students who have registered at least 2 semesters( Combined Master/Doctoral : 4 semester) and taken at least 9 credits( Combined Master/Doctoral : 36 credits).



@ Student ID# former 2010 ~ (Master, Doctoral)

= Major : A written major exam will be held as before.

= Date of major exam : Sep.26(Fri.), 2014



@ Student ID# after 2011 (Master, Doctoral)

= There are no major exam for the graduation requirement.

= As a new “Thesis Qualifying Exams” rule, the students will be evaluated with Grade of Common Core courses and report of research plan.

= Date of submission to application on line: 2014. 8.29.(Fri.)~2014. 9. 5.(Fri.)

= Date of submission to Required documents : Sep.25(Thu.)


1. Thesis submission qualifying examination Grades Calculation

a. (Before- From 2)

@ Student ID# 2011 ~ 2012 (Master, Doctoral),

@ Student ID# 2009 ~ (Former Combined Master/Doctoral)

b. (New - From 2)

@ Student ID# 2013 ~ (Master, Doctoral),

@ Student ID# 2011 ~ (Former Combined Master/Doctoral)

2. Report for the research plan (The students should submit the documents included evaluation of research plan by Sep.25)

3. A grade transcript


The students should submit the documents included evaluation of research plan by Sep.25(Thu.)

The students should submit the application on line before the students take for “Thesis Qualifying Exams”




The foreign language examination for foreign students


Regulations pertaining to the foreign language examinations for foreign students are listed below.


1. Students who have registered at least 1 semester

2. (The foreign language examination for foreign students) Regulations pertaining to the foreign language examinations for foreign students are listed below.

- Students from a college that requires only 1 foreign language(including English) should choose one language among English(TEPS or TOEFL) or Korean.


Student’s mother language is not English(either as a common official language or an official language), he or she must choose English (TEPS or TOEFL-CBT/IBT) or Korean(exam or taking course).


Student’s mother language is English (either as a common official language or an official language), he or she must choose Korean(exam or taking course).



Required score for graduation


Student ID# 2008~ : more than 551 points

Student ID# 2001~ : more than 550 points

Student ID# former 2000~: more than 501 points

(Note: WCU: Brain and Cognitive Science more than 664 points)




Student ID# 2008~ : more than 210/77 points

Student ID# 2001~ : more than 210/77 points

Student ID# former 2000~: more than 193/69 points

(Note: WCU: Brain and Cognitive Science more than 233/90 points)




=> (Korean language examination for foreign students)

The Korean language examination for foreign students is conducted in March and September. It is supervised by the Office of Academic Affairs.

The Korean language examination lasts for 60min.

A written Korean exam will be held separately depending on the program (master/doctoral) and the field of study (humanities/social sciences/natural sciences/art).


=> (Korean courses for foreign students)

Title of Courses : Korean and Korean culture 1,2

When a student receives a grade of "C- or higher" or "S" for a Korean course taken as a substitute for a comprehensive examination during the regular semester or during the sessions that are held during summer/winter vacations (Korean and Korean culture 1,2), the Korean examination may be exempted but the grade does not count as part of the completion credit.


Korean Examination

= Date of exam : 09:30 ~ 10:30 Sep.19(Fri.), 2014

= Place : Rm. 205, Bldg.501


If the students want to apply for The foreign language examination[Korean exam], please apply for the language exam on line.


After Sep.12, you can print out test identification from Sep.12


If you have any more questions and helps, please feel free to contact me(Se-eun Son,




Thank you.

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