Registration of Research Students for the Fall Semester, 2014

2014-08-06l Hit 2207

1. Registration Period


- 1st Round: August 25(Mon.) ~ September 21(Fri.), 2014 (10days)


- 2nd Round: September 25(Thu.) ~ October 2(Thu.), 2014 (6days, final period)

  ※  After final period, you could not pay registration of research students.




2. Who needs to pay


Students who have completed their graduate coursework, and who are planning to submit their thesis or want to use the school facilities such as libraries, laboratories, SNU computer center, SNU dormitory, etc.


Completed-course students who are participated in BK plus project should register the Research Students.




3. The amount payable


Students of the Department of Natural Science, Engineering science : 200,000




4. Where to pay


Any branch of Nonghyup or Shinhan Bank




5. How to pay


Print a bill online and pay for it at one of the banks mentioned above.





6. How to print your bill (August 21, 2014 ~ )


Logon to the SNU portal website ( ), click "(Academic Affairs/Admin.)" > "(Academic Affairs/Administration)" menu on the top of the screen first and then click on(Class Management)" "(Graduation Information)" "(Bill of Research Student's Share)" on the left hand side of the screen. The bill can be printed there.



* If the bill cannot be printed through this procedure, please contact the Administration Office(Bldg.504-120).




7. Note


- Without being registered as a research student, you CANNOT request a Thesis defense.


- Completed-course students who are participated in BK plus project should register the Research Students.


- Completed-course students who will take either the of Lecture Research Supporting Scholarship or Work Scholarship should register the Research students during 1st round period.


- To ask for refund, submit a letter to explain the reason for refund, the receipt, and a copy of your bankbook to the Administration Office by October 2(Thu.), 2014. (with statement of reasons-free form, order to pay the payment, copy of bankbook)


- For more details, contact the Administration Office.

Please find attached file.

Thank you.