Former Members

책임연구원 / 2009


Yongcheol Cho
  1. Seo MD, Seok SH, Im H, Kwon AR, Lee SJ, Kim HR, Cho Y, Park D, Lee BJ. (2009). Crystal structure of the dimerization domain of human filamin A.. Proteins, 75(1), 258-63.
  2. Jeon YJ, Choi JS, Lee JY, Yu KR, Ka SH, Cho Y, Choi EJ, Baek SH, Seol JH, Park D, Bang OS, Chung CH. (2008). Filamin B serves as a molecular scaffold for type I interferon-induced c-Jun NH2-terminal kinase signaling pathway.. Mol Biol Cell., 19(12), 5116-30.
  3. Kim C, Cho Y, Kang CH, Kim MG, Lee H, Cho EG, Park D. (2005). Filamin is essential for shedding of the transmembrane serine protease, epithin.. EMBO Rep., 6(11), 1045-51.