Former Members

책임연구원 / 2002


Seung-Hye Lee
  1. Lee SH, Eom M, Lee SJ, Kim S, Park HJ, Park D. (2001). BetaPix-enhanced p38 activation by Cdc42/Rac/PAK/MKK3/6-mediated pathway. Implication in the regulation of membrane ruffling.. J Biol Chem., 276(27), 25066-72.
  2. Kim S, Lee SH, Park D. (2001). Leucine zipper-mediated homodimerization of the p21-activated kinase-interacting factor, beta Pix. Implication for a role in cytoskeletal reorganization.. J Biol Chem., 276(14), 10581-4.
  3. Park HS, Lee SH, Park D, Lee JS, Ryu SH, Lee WJ, Rhee SG, Bae YS. (2004). Sequential activation of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase, beta Pix, Rac1, and Nox1 in growth factor-induced production of H2O2.. Mol Cell Biol., 24(10), 4384-94.
  4. Kim SS, Kim JH, Lee SH, Chung SS, Bang OS, Park D, Chung CH. (2002). Involvement of protein phosphatase-1-mediated MARCKS translocation in myogenic differentiation of embryonic muscle cells.. J Cell Sci., 115(12), 2465-73.