[초청강연] How do cells program physics using the genetic and epigenetic language?

2021-11-16l 조회수 2453

일시: 2021-11-19 11:00 ~ 13:00
발표자: Jejoong Yoo (Sungkyunkwan University Department of Physics)
담당교수: 생명과학부
장소: https://snu-ac-kr.zoom.us/j/83440758660
How the inheritance and regulation of genetic
information fully determine the biological fate of a cell. Along with biology, one
can expect that the information may encode physics too because biomolecules
that carry the sequence information of DNA and amino acids follow the laws of
physics. In this talk, I will introduce newly discovered information-controlled
physical principles of DNA condensation, DNA bending, and the diffusion of
DNA-binding proteins. First, I will introduce the molecular dynamics simulation
technique that made all discoveries possible in collaboration with single-
molecule biophysicists. Then, I will show that two fundamental gene regulation
mechanisms (condensation and bending of DNA) dramatically change
depending on the sequence and methylation of DNA. Last, I will show that the
diffusion speed of DNA-binding proteins is encoded in the genomic sequence,
using DNA clamps and exonuclease proteins as examples.