[대학원장학] [Postdoctoral Positions 모집 공고 안내] Harvard Medical School &Children’s Hospital

2013-05-13l 조회수 2746

물리학부 홍성철 교수님 연구실의 조명현입니다

Postdoctoral Positions 모집 공고 안내드립니다.


아래는 이메일로 전달받은 내용을 그대로 올려드리오니 관심 있는 분의 지원바랍니다.


I am writing to inquire about possible post-doctoral candidates in your institution. There are one or two post-doctoral positions available in my laboratory at Harvard Medical School & Children’s Hospital Boston. The fellow will investigate the molecular mechanism for self vs. non-self discrimination by the innate immune system using a combination of X-ray crystallography, biochemistry and cell biology with a specific focus on characterization of structures and functions of key host molecules that recognize foreign nucleic acids.
I would appreciate it if you could forward this job posting to students who are highly motivated and dedicated to these research areas. Applicants should have received or should expect to receive a PhD and have a strong background in X-ray crystallography, biochemistry, immunology or virology. Previous research experience in RNA biology is not required but preferred.
Applicants should send a cover letter, CV, names, e-mail addresses and telephone numbers of three references to Sun Hur at Sun.Hur@childrens.harvard.edu.


For more information, visit http://labs.idi.harvard.edu/hur/


Relevant References:
• Wu B, Peisley A, Richards C, Yao H, Zeng Z, Lin C, Chu F, Walz T & Hur S. Structural Basis for dsRNA recognition, filament formation and antiviral signaling by MDA5. Cell, 2013, 152, 276-89
• Peisley A*, Jo MH*, Lin C, Wu B, Orme-Johnson M, Walz T, Hohng S & Hur S. Kinetic Mechanism for Viral dsRNA Length Discrimination by MDA5 filament. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. (2012), 109, E3340-9 (* equal contribution)
• Peisley A, Lin C, Wu B, Orme-Johnson M, Liu M, Walz T & Hur S. Cooperative Assembly and Dynamic Disassembly of MDA5 Filaments for Viral dsRNA Recognition. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. (2011), 108, 21010-5.

첨부파일 : Postdoctoral Positions 모집 공고 원본.

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