[학부장학] OHSU/VOLLUM에서 박사후연구원 4-5인 구함

2009-12-11l 조회수 2617

< OHSU/VOLLUM에서 박사후연구원 4-5인 구함 >-신경발생학 및 대사항상성에서 유전자 발현조절-미국에서 가장 아름다운 도시중 하나인 미서부 오레곤 주의 포틀렌드에 위치한 OHSU/Vollum은 미국에서 신경과학연구의 메카입니다http://www.ohsu.edu/xd/research/centers-institutes/vollum/SOO-KYUNG LEE(이수경), a 2005 Pew Scholar (http://www.pewtrusts.org/news_room_detail.aspx?id=19368), studies gene regulation networks that determine lineage specification during neural development. The major model systems include embryonic spinal cord, cerebral cortex, and hypothalamic metabolic neurons. For more information, refer to the recent publications below: - The microRNA miR-124 antagonizes the antineural REST/SCP1-pathway during embryonic CNS development. Genes Dev 21: 744-9, 2007- A regulatory network to segregate the identity of neuronal subtypes. Dev Cell 14: 877-89, 2008- LMO4 controls the balance between excitatory and inhibitory spinal V2 interneurons. Neuron 61:839-851, 2009- Retinoid signaling and Ngn2 function are coupled for the specification of spinal motor neurons through a chromatin modifier CBP. Neuron 62:641-654, 2009For inquiries, please contact:Soo-Kyung Lee, Ph.D. &Associate Professor, sklee@bcm.eduJAE WOON LEE(이재운)’s lab studies epigenetic gene regulation by nuclear hormone receptors during metabolism. Recent focus also includes gene regulation networks of nuclear hormone receptors in the central nervous system, which govern metabolic homeostasis. For recent publications, read the papers below: - A coactivator as a target gene specificity determinant for histone H3-lysine 4 methyltransferases. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 103: 15392-7, 2006- Activating signal cointegrator-2 is an essential adaptor to recruit histone H3 lysine 4 methyltransferases MLL3 and MLL4 to the liver X receptors. Mol Endocrinol 22:1312-9, 2008- Targeted inactivation of MLL3 histone H3-lysine-4 methyltransferase activity in the mouse reveals vital roles for MLL3 in adipogenesis. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 105:19229-19234, 2008- Characterization of a tumor suppressive coactivator complex of p53 containing ASC-2 and histone H3-lysine-4 methyltransferase MLL3 or its paralogue MLL4. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 106:8513-8518, 2009For inquiries, please contact:Jae Woon Lee, Ph.D. &Professor, jwlee@bcm.edu

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