[학부/대학원] CK2: A new kinesin-family regulatory pathway 세미나

관리자l 2015-07-27l 조회수 4095

물리천문학부에서 Biophysics 관련 세미나 개최하는데 관심있으신 분의 많은 참여 부탁드립니다.

제목 : CK2: A new kinesin-family regulatory pathway
일시 : 2015.7.30 (목) 2:00 pm
장소 : 56-321
연사 : Prof. Steven Gross (Department of Developmental and Cell Biology & Department of Biomedical Engineering & Department of Physics, University of California)
초록 :
 While single-motor function is now relatively well understood, our understanding of transport regulation is less advanced. We discovered a new pathway regulating kinesin function, which involves intrinsic inactivation of kinesin, followed by CK2-mediated reactivation. I will discuss both how the pathway functions, and its possible ramifications for neuronal function.

 HOST : 박혜윤 교수님