관리자l 2012-04-27l 조회수 2958
발표자 : 서효정 박사 (Department of Neurobiology, Yale University School of Medicine)
일시 : 2012년 5월 3일 (목) 16:30-18:00
장소 : 서울대학교 16-1동 404호
제목: Deciding beyond what you see: Neural dynamics mediating speed-accuracy adjustment during perceptual decision-making.
Optimal performance during perceptual decision making requires the integration of sensory information with expected outcomes of correct and incorrect choices, as well as exploitation of temporal regularities in sensory events to achieve a desired speed and accuracy. To investigate the role of the frontal eye field (FEF) in adaptive decision-making, we recorded the activity of neurons in the FEF of two rhesus monkeys, while they were preforming a color discrimination task in which the magnitude of reward for correctly identifying a particular color and the timing
of relevant sensory stimulus were separately manipulated. During this task, animal's choice and response time (RT) were systematically influenced by expected reward and stimulus timing. Animal's choices and response times were biased toward the color associated with larger reward. In addition, the magnitude of reward bias increased as the temporal uncertainty
for stimulus decreased. We also found that the reward bias was reflected in the level of persistent activity, whereas speeded decision gated by the stimulus timing was mediated by gain modulation in build-up activity. These results provide a novel insight on the neural mechanism underlying flexible adjustment of speed and accuracy during perceptual decision and suggest an important role of the primate frontal eye field for adaptive decision-making.
문의 : 심리학과 이춘길 교수 연구실, 임지혜(880-6442)