[채용공고] Stockholm, Assistant Professor position

2009-07-14l 조회수 2987

Stockholm UniversityCenter for Biomembrane ResearchAssistant Professor in Eukaryotic Membrane BiologyThe Center for Biomembrane Research (CBR) at Stockholm University is funded by agrant from the Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research and is administered by theDepartment of Biochemistry and Biophysics (DBB). CBR offers a wide range ofexpertise in membrane protein research, ranging from bioinformatics and computationalbiology to biochemical studies of membrane protein assembly and function, structuralbiology, and biotechnology. CBR is headed by Prof. Gunnar von Heijne.We are inviting applications for an Assistant Professorship in Eukaryotic MembraneBiology at CBR. The appointment is for 4 years, with a 2 years extension contingentupon the outcome of an evaluation of scientific and leadership skills made by DBBduring the third year.Priority will be given to applicants holding a PhD no older than 5 years. Evaluation ofthe candidates will be based on scientific merits and potential, as well as demonstratedskills in leadership and scientific collaborations. Experiences of generic techniques suchas in vivo imaging, chemical biology or other techniques that can complement ongoingresearch at CBR will be considered as merits.For further information about the position and about CBR, please contact Prof. Gunnarvon Heijne (gunnar@dbb.su.se) or check the CBR homepage (www.cbr.su.se).The application should include the following items:1 Curriculum vitae2 A numbered bibliography3 A description of the candidate’s research achievements, scientific collaborations,leadership abilities, and research plans for the next 3 years (maximum 5 pages).4 PDF files of the 10 most important research publications of the candidate’s ownchoice.The application (in a single PDF file) and the 10 publications should be sent as e-mailattachments to registrator@su.se, and should arrive by September 1, 2009. Mark theapplication with the registration number SU 612-1387-09. A signed application lettershould also be sent to Stockholm University, The Registrar, SE-106 91 Stockholm,Sweden.