UCSF에서 연구원을 모집합니다.

2009-02-16l 조회수 3238

UCSF(University of California, San Francisco)의 Department of Radiation Oncology에서 봉직중인 한국인 2세 Jean L. Nakamura교수의 연구 팀에서 연구원을 모집합니다. 관심 있는 분의 응모 바랍니다. 다음은 UCSF측에서 보내온 내용입니다. Seeking Postdoctoral Scholar to join a laboratory studying mechanisms of tumorigenesis.Our efforts are focused in two major areas:1) understanding the genetic and molecular mechanisms underlying Nf1-driven tumorigenesis, and2) understanding the role of mTOR signaling gliomagenesis. We utilize both in vitro and in vivo models to study these processes and a major goal is to translate our findings into investigational trials. The post-doctoral fellow will be expected to assume a leadership role in multiple projects.Applicants should have a strong background in molecular biology and individuals with experience in mouse models are preferred.Send curriculum vitae toDr. Jean NakamuraDepartment of Radiation Oncology, University of California, San Francisco1600 Divisadero Street, Suite H1031San Francisco, California 94115E-mail : jnakamura@radonc.ucsf.eduUCSF is an equal opportunity employer.자세한 내용은 E-Mail로 직접 문의하시되, 단순한 질문은 서울 02-918-2250 (최 교수)로 전화하셔도 좋습니다.