
Combined Masters and Doctoral course - 2011

Han-Ki Lee

Education / Career
Postdoc, KAIST (2008-2011)
Current position: Assistant Professor at Myongji University
  1. H.-W. Lee, T. Kyung, J. Yoo, T. Kim, C. Chung, J. Y. Ryu, H. Lee, K. Park, S. Lee, W. D. Jones, D.-S. Lim, C. Hyeon, W. D. Heo & T.-Y. Yoon (2013). Real-time single-molecule co-immunoprecipitation analyses reveal cancer-specific Ras signalling dynamics. Nat. Commun., 4(), 1515.
  2. J. Diao, Y. Ishitsuka, H. Lee, C. Joo, Z. Su, S. Syed, Y.-K. Shin, T.-Y. Yoon & T. Ha (2012). A single vesicle-vesicle fusion assay for in vitro studies of SNAREs and accessory proteins. Nat. Protoc., 7(5), 921-934.
  3. H.-K. Lee, Y. Yang, Z. Su, C. Hyeon, T.-S. Lee, H.-W. Lee, D.-H. Kweon, Y.-K. Shin & T.-Y. Yoon (2010). Dynamic Ca2+-Dependent Stimulation of Vesicle Fusion by Membrane-Anchored Synaptotagmin 1. Science, 328(5979), 760-763.