
Masters Course - 2014

Woori Bae

Education / Career
PhD, KAIST (2008-2014)

Current position: Research associate at
Department of Bioengineering, Imperial College London
  1. W. Bae, K. Kim, D. Min, J.-K. Ryu, C. Hyeon & T.-Y. Yoon (2014). Programmed folding of DNA origami structures through single-molecule force control. Nat. Commun., 5(), 5654.
  2. W. Bae, M.-G. Choi, C. Hyeon, Y.-K. Shin & T.-Y. Yoon (2013). Real-Time Observation of Multiple-Protein Complex Formation with Single-Molecule FRET. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 135(28), 10254-10257.