Current Members

박사후 연구원


Cathena Meiling Li
  1. Youbin Kim, Hyejin Park, Youngwon Kim, Seo-Hyun Kim, Jae Hoon Lee, Hanseul Yang, Seo Jin Kim, Cathena Meiling Li, Haneul Lee, Do-Hyeong Na, Seowon Moon, Yumi Shin, Tae-In Kam, Han-Woong Lee, SangYun Kim, Ji-Joon Song, Yong-Keun Jung (2022). Pathogenic Role of RAGE in Tau Transmission and Memory Deficits. Biological Psychiatry, (), .
  2. Song-Yi Lee, Hyunjoo Kim, Cathena Meiling Li, Jaemin Kang, Ayaz Najafov, Muhah Jung, Soosung Kang, Shaomeng Wang, Junying Yuan, Yong-Keun Jung (2019). Casein kinase-1γ1 and 3 Stimulate Tumor Necrosis Factor-Induced Necroptosis Through RIPK3. Cell Death & Disease, 10(12), 923.