Current Members

박사후 연구원


Na Young Lee
  • / 02-873-9031
Education / Career
이학학사 (서울대학교, 생명과학 전공)
이학석사 (서울대학교, 생명과학 전공)
이학박사 (서울대학교, 생명과학 전공)
Research Interests
- Absolute quantification and profiling of MAPK phosphorylation by Mass Spectroscopy
- Yeast nitro-proteomics
  1. Jeon SY, Yang SH, Lee NY, Park SH (2018). Cell signaling rewiring of p38, ERK and JNK using synthetic scaffold.. IUBMB, (), .
  2. Lee NY, Lee JW, Kang GY, Park SH, Kim KP. (2019). Quantification of the dynamic phosphorylation process of ERK using stable isotope dilution selective reaction monitoring mass spectrometry. Proteomics, 19(17), 1900086.
  3. Lee NY, Park SH (2016). A conserved tyrosine residue in MAPKK Ste7 regulates kinase activity during mating signal transduction. The American Society for Cell Biology, (), .
  4. Kang JW*, Lee NY*, Cho KC, Lee MY, Choi DY, Park SH, Kim KP. (2015). Analysis of nitrated proteins in Saccharomyces cerevisiae involved in mating signal transduction. Proteomics, 15(2-3), 580-590.