

김상종 Kim, Sang-Jong

  • Major : 미생물생태학
  • Lab. : 미생물생태학 연구실
  • Office : 502-324
  • Office Tel. : 02-880-4407
  • Lab Tel. : 02-880-6704
  • Email : sjkimm@snu.ac.kr

미생물학 생태학
1. Monitoring of infectious human enteric viruses in water environments & foods
  • Monitoring of infectious enteric viruses in water environments (surface water, tap water, ground water, sea water, wastewater)
  • Monitoring of enteric viruses in foods (oyster, vegetables, fruits)
Making sensitive tools to detect infectious enteric viruses in environments
  • Making rapid methods for detecting enteric viruses based on combinations of cell culture assay and real-time PCR
  • Making concentration methods for detecting enteric viruses in various water environments & foods

2. Tracking the sources of viral pollution by detecting the phage and enteric viruses in various water environments
  • - 1980.9-1983.7 박사 :독일 Kiel 대학교
  • - 1974.3-1976.2 석사: 서울대학교 대학원 미생물학과
  • - 1970.3-1974.2 학사: 서울대학교 문리과대학 미생물학과
  • - 2009 ~ 2009 회장, 한국 미생물학회
  • - 2007 ~ 2007 부회장, 한국미생물학회
  • - 2006 ~ 2009 객원논설위원, 한겨레신문
  • - 1993 ~ 1998 회장, 환경과 공해연구회
  • - 1984 ~ 교수, 서울대학교 자연과학대학 미생물학과
  1. Lee CH, Kim SJ (2008) The genetic diversity of human noroviruses detected in river water in Korea. Water Res 42: 4477-4484.
  2. Kim YH, Cha CJ, Engesser KH, Kim SJ (2008) Degradation of various alkyl ether-degrading Actinobacteria isolated from activated sludge of a mixed wastewater treatment. Chemosphere 73: 1442-1447.
  3. Lee DG, Park SJ, Kim SJ (2007) Influence of pipe materials and VBNC cells on culturable bacteria in a chlorinated drinking water model system. J Microbiol Biotechnol 17: 1558-1562.
  4. Choo YJ, Kim SJ (2006) Detection of human adenoviruses and enteroviruses in Korean oysters using cell culture, integrated cell culture-PCR, and Direct PCR. J Microbiol 44: 162-170.
  5. Lee DG, Lee JH, Kim SJ (2005) Diversity and dynamics of bacterial species in a biofilm at the end of the Seoul water distribution system. World journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology 21: 155-162.