Current Members



Roh Hyungmin
  1. Ahn JH, Kim J, Yoo SJ, Yoo SY, Roh H, Choi JH, Choi MS, Chung KS, Han EJ, Hong SM, Jung SH, Kang HJ, Kim BK, Kim MD, Kim YK, Kim YH, Lee H, Park SH, Yang JH, Yang JW, Yoo DH, Yoo SK, Lee JS. (2007). Isolation of 151 mutants that have developmental defects from T-DNA tagging.. Plant Cell Physiol., 48(1), 169-178.
  2. Jeong CW, Roh H, Dang TV, Choi YD, Fischer RL, Lee JS, Choi Y. (2011). An E3 ligase complex regulates SET-domain polycomb group protein activity in Arabidopsis thaliana.. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 108(19), 8036-8041.
  3. Roh H, Jeong CW, Fujioka S, Kim YK, Lee S, Ahn JH, Choi YD, Lee JS. (2012). Genetic evidence for the reduction of brassinosteroid levels by a BAHD acyltransferase-like protein in Arabidopsis.. Plant Physiol., 159(2), 696-709.